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First of all, gaming community involves in a love-hate relationship with production houses that wants to make a video game adaptation. Over the years it was always either a hit or miss and never in between, and it is the case with Minecraft movie. From the beginning of the trailer you can tell that there’s something off and a weird feeling of–this is not Minecraft.

Warner Bross and Minecraft has release their first trailer for Minecraft movie releasing on the upcoming year 3. April 2025. Honestly, I have a mix feelings looking into it. At one side, I am super excited as I am a big fan of Minecraft. I love every aspects of Minecraft, its sandbox approach, the soundtrack, and of course, the gameplay. It comes naturally that I have a high expectations for the movie.

What’s Wrong With Minecraft the Movie?

Can you tell what’s wrong from that image?
Yes, the Nether portal is blue, not purple. I know it’s not a big deal but this is the first sign of “meh” for me.

This is the part that has been bothering the most, and my reaction is the same as the subtitle said. Why would they make it into a life action movie? I mean look at the animation, it is beautiful, and they somehow have to ruin it with putting real people into the movie.

Again this is not a big deal, just a fur creeper creeping around from behind, the classic Minecraft experience.

This is the last straw for me. Not to discredit Jack Black, he is an amazing actor. But you are not Steve. Steve is such an iconic character amongst Minecraft fans and it’s quite disappointing to see this. They should have just stayed in an all animated movie.

Minecraft Movie has so much potentials, the community is big and Warner Bross could have easily raking millions from this movie, but unfortunately, the failed to deliver what the community wants. They missed their chance to capture the hype around the movie and the community grows skeptic with the end result. How about you? Would you see the movie in theatre next year?
